The scope of Exercise Science Research Topics

Jun 17, 2019 31888 views

Research topics in exercise science cover various aspects of physical activity aimed to improve health condition, prevent disease development, maintain well-being and increase performance in people of different ages, social levels, genders, and abilities. Studying these aspects provides an opportunity for further professional development in such areas as medicine, physical therapy, physician assistance and so on. Professionals with knowledge in the field of exercise science are in demand in medical centers, educational establishments, fitness facilities, community centers, health departments and private corporations.

Interesting research topics about exercise science can address multiple physiological, biomechanical, nutritional and behavioral issues related to physical activity. It gives students a nice choice of options for writing their academic papers depending on their areas of interest. Whether you are interested in nutrition, psychology, chemistry, biology, anatomy or human physiology, you will be able to find a link between exercise science and to choose an exciting topic for your paper.

However, you need to keep in mind that exercise science undergraduate research topics have to be quite specific and meet college-level requirements. It means that usually topics like "The bone composition" or "The role of muscles in our body" will be considered too primitive and vague to earn you a good grade. Here are some tips on choosing an appropriate topic followed by real-life examples.

Tips on Selecting Exercise Science Research Paper Topics

Sometimes, students are offered to choose a topic for their research paper independently, but in some colleges, tutors prefer to assign tasks in specific areas of study associated with exercise science. Anyway, even if your scope of topics is narrowed to a particular area like nutrition or athletic injury, you still have a good chance of picking something to your liking, since each area covers a wide range of interesting issues to explore and discuss. However, it would be a great mistake to select research paper topics on exercise science based only on your liking or your current knowledge. It makes much more sense to stick to the following recommendations:

  1. Search for a topic, which can be somehow connected with your future post or activity. Many students happen to forget that writing research papers is not a goal in and of itself. Yes, you write them to get your grades and collect your credits, but in the end, you will graduate, get your diploma and start looking for a job. And if you are going to become a nutritionist, then you will benefit from a research paper on the peculiarities of pre-school children nutrition, rather than from research on exercises for rehabilitation after injuries.
  2. It is better to choose a topic, which is of great current interest, related to practical needs and boasts social significance. Again, this will help you occupy a niche with good prospects for both further study and employment. Some of the topical problems include the development and implementation of health-improving, educational, intervention, compensatory, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise programs.
  3. And you really should take into account your personal interests, abilities, and level of theoretical training in the chosen field, since strong knowledge and genuine interest in the subject are always beneficial.

Exercise Physiology Research Paper Topics

The subject implies exploration of different study fields from fitness program management to metabolic assessment so that students can choose good research topics for exercise physiology based on the following:

  • Rehabilitation of athletes following knee joint meniscus injuries.
  • Prospects for using mirror therapy in patients with stroke.
  • Effective methods of rehabilitation in adults with brain injuries.
  • Health benefits of a whole-grain diet in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Risk factors for sprains in adult athletes.
  • Effects of outdoor physical activity on mental health in people with depression.
  • Is pet therapy effective for improving interaction and learning skills in children with autistic spectrum disorders?
  • Physiological and health aspects of speed skating.
  • Can exercise therapy be used to enhance bone density in females with osteoporosis?
  • Effect of caffeine use among adolescents.
  • Most frequent injuries related to overuse in soccer players and their treatment.
  • Fine motor skills development methods for preschool children.
  • How do physical exercises correlate with aggressive behavior in teenagers?
  • The problem of insulin usage in bodybuilders for prevention of muscle fibers destruction.
  • Healthy nutrition and means of rehabilitation during increased exercise.

Kinesiology Research Paper Topics

Since kinesiology addresses various physiological, biomechanical and psychological principles of body movement, students can find an inspiring idea among the interesting kinesiology research paper topics, both broad and narrow:

  • Kinesiology as a problem-solving method in psychology.
  • Effective kinesiological exercises that contribute to speech therapy at school.
  • Theory and application of coaching.
  • How physical activities help in the prevention of visual impairment in school-age children.
  • Impacts of aging on muscle performance.
  • Neuromechanical factors, preventing falls and associated fractures.
  • Physical education for persons with mental disabilities.
  • Adaptation of a left-handed child in the "right-handed" world.
  • Movement patterns associated with higher injury risk.
  • Development of mental capacity through interhemispheric interaction.
  • Effects of alcohol consumption on bone depending on the dose, gender, and age.
  • Specific aspects of physical activity in persons with multiple sclerosis.
  • Bone integrity and exercise in high-risk groups.
  • Effects of after-school sedentary behavior in children.
  • The role of physical exercises in maintaining a correct posture.