How to Write an Excellent Military Essay

May 20, 2019 1305 views

Military service is not about writing essays but rather making decisions, following orders, and taking responsibility, all of which is not even remotely connected with essay writing. Still, if you are a cadet, there is no way you can get out of writing your military essay at some point in your studies.

But try to look at it from a different perspective. There is a certain philosophy about military service and values you need to have in order to be good at what you are doing or want to do. And it is this philosophical background that you should reflect on by noting down your thoughts and framing them logically. That is precisely what makes writing a military essay such a helpful exercise.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Military Essay Writing

Reflecting effectively on a given topic is as important as getting your instructors to recognize the effort you've put into that. That is why there's a specific set of formal requirements you need to follow when working on military essays. Those will help you structure and format your paper in such a way as to let your readers follow your train of thought easily and grasp your main point immediately.

For your essay to be a success, you should not only present good ideas but also lay them out in a proper way. Therefore, if you care about your grades, you should never neglect the formal requirements. Make sure to carefully read your professor's instructions before and after you complete your essay.

Military Paper Writing Tips

Here are some general tips that you should keep in mind before working on the individual parts of your essay:

  • Check your professor's requirements
  • Even if you are sure that you remember everything, it is always a good idea to use the guidelines provided by your professor. Check carefully if there are any points you have not addressed. Many professors, especially in military disciplines, tend to be very particular about students' compliance with their demands and may penalize those who have not read the requirements or glanced through them without paying due attention.

  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Luckily, there are plenty of online solutions these days that make it possible for you to quickly check your paper for any traces of plagiarism. Even if you do not intend to plagiarize any parts of your essay, there is unintentional plagiarism, which means that what you wrote may have already been written by someone else. It can be a sentence or even something smaller than that, but any plagiarism detection software will still be able to find it. Therefore, you should always be on the lookout, eliminating any traces of unoriginal content by rephrasing your sentences or redoing them from scratch.

General Army Essay Format

It is wrong to assume that there is a particular citation style for military essays. However, make sure that your paper is carefully formatted since military professors are even less tolerant of disorder in writing than their nonmilitary colleagues. Make sure that you are using an easily readable font, preferably 12-point Times New Roman. Your paper should be double-spaced, have one-inch margins on all sides, and use half an inch paragraph indentation. For more details, check your professor's instructions because they may ask you to write in one of the most frequently used citation styles, such as:

  • APA (American Psychology Association)
  • AMA (American Medical Association)
  • MLA (Modern languages association)
  • Chicago or Turabian
  • Harvard

Military Essay Topics You Should Consider

Choosing the topic is yet another crucial aspect of military essay writing. Not only do you need to find a good topic for your essay, but you also have to make sure that you've got a good idea of how you are going to explore it. Please, note that we have prepared a list of highly researchable topics, as well as a few tips that will give help you write such essays.

Respect in the military

'Respect in the military' is a reflection essay, in which the author is supposed to discuss the nature of respect the military have for one another, as well as the philosophical background behind this feeling. It is also a good idea to mention several common ways of manifesting respect in the military.

Accountability in the military

The essay on accountability discusses the way in which ammunition, weapons, food, and other goods are recorded in the military. Please, keep in mind that there are certain peculiarities, which make this process somewhat different from accounting in any other spheres.

Military life

The military life essay is a deep philosophical reflection on the very nature of life in the army, which focuses on its routine and major peculiarities. One of the intended goals of this paper is to discuss the hardships and benefits of serving in the military, comparing them with civilian life.

Military bearing

The military bearing essay focuses on how it is important for soldiers to have proper motivation and training, or in other words, military bearing. Military personnel should be able to endure severe difficulties and deal with dangerous situations on a regular basis. It is, therefore, important that anyone serving in the army should have proper motivation to handle all these challenges.

Standards and discipline in the army

The army is meant to act as a single organism. That is why it is important to manage this organism efficiently, making it flexible and quick to react. That is why discipline and standards are so necessary for the army. Reflect on it in your essay.

Why do I want to be an army officer

This topic is very frequently assigned to future officers, which is why it is essential for them to give an honest answer to this question and explain what their motivation is. The lives of many people might depend on the officer's actions; therefore, it is vital to be certain that they do their job right. Be sure to provide an in-depth analysis of your motivation.

Army values

What values are essential for the members if armed forces? Why should they adhere to them? These are the questions you are expected to discuss in your army values essay.

These are but a few hints and tips you can use to come up with an excellent essay. If you still have doubts and would rather have somebody else write it for you, you can always order your paper with us. We will definitely be able to offer a top-notch solution to you! Remember that you're just one click away from getting effective help with your military essay!